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Atek Sensor

FAMAGA always strives to provide the best prices and timings of supplies for its customers. We sell only original equipment and spare parts, although we are not always the official distributor or manufacturer's dealer. All displayed trademarks and part numbers are the property of their respective owners.

Atek Electronic Sensor Technologies; Alfa Elektronik , which is the undisputed leader in industrial sensors in Turkey , was established in 2002 to manufacture and export domestic sensors with its experience accumulated over many years. As Atek Sensor Technologies, as a result of our long years of R&D studies, magnetic linear encoder systems, optical linear scale, rotary encoder, linear potentiometer, pressure transmitter, wire potentiometer and encoder, inclination sensor, encoder, electronic and mechanical design and production in Turkey. control devices and digital coordinate reading units are safely used on thousands of machines in many different industrial areas in Turkey and over 60 countries around the world.

As the Atek family, we are constantly renewing ourselves with our expert engineer team, and with our innovative philosophy, we contribute to technology in position control and measuring devices in Turkey and in the world. We offer our high quality and precision products with minimum delivery time by customizing them in line with the needs of our customers.

ATEK Electronics Sensor Technologies Inc. has certainly been the market leader for position control sensors and measuring devices industries in Turkey since its establishment in 2002.

ll of our sensors which are now well being used in Turkey and more than 60 countries throughout the entire world, for measuring linear and circular movements of various kinds of machinery; such as linear transducers, non-contacting magnetic encoders, rotary sensors, draw wire sensors, optical linear scales, digital readout systems, tilt sensors, pressure transmitters and potentiometers are completely hassle-free, long-lasting and outstanding quality.

Our wide product range allows us to always find the optimal customized solutions for our customers in various industries with different applications for measuring, such as plastic injection machinery, iron and steel machinery, packaging machinery, wood marble and glassworking machinery, bending machinery as press brakes, textile machinery, hydraulics, robotics etc.

Cooperation between our skilled sales team and advanced engineering team, allows us to do all electronical and mechanical design and manufacturing in our high-tech facility in Turkey; and deliver our state of the art products to beloved customers and partners in very short times. We are well prepared and excitingly interested in building long-term relationships with our partners and providing the best solutions for them.

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